Episode32:Become a sales representative in the central district of Kanagawa prefecture


Kitajima entered the third year in this company, was responsible for 
a total of 26 one university hospitals, four prefectural hospitals, five municipal hospitals, six small and medium hospitals, and ten clinics.
First let's start talking from MS University Hospital.
In this hospital, our rival manufacturer's offensive was strong and 
our company was always inferior. 
So anyway, we acted to create a friendly teacher to our company.
First, Dr. Kinoshita, a  tennis player and Associate Professor Yoshizaki and tennis fellow Dr. Yoshizaki and Ishida, found the game of tennis about once a week and aimed to join them.

Then Dr. Kinoshita and Associate Professor Yoshizaki were at the 
core and clues to the strategy came into sight.
Also, I am a doctor general, a lecturer, an associate professor and 
a professor and interested in personal computer I searched for 
a teacher to have.

Surprisingly it turned out that Professor Iwashita and Utsunomiya instructor were interested.
Especially lecturer Utsunomiya is American society, many American friends, most cutting-edge information I had it.

Utsunomiya instructor was surprised that Kitajima was doing a personal computer and gave me various information. Especially showed the demo software of DB II (database Ⅱ), and told me the outline. Then, socializing with Kitajima database started.
And Medical Information Center was established at MS University Hospital, Utsunomiya instructor was connected with the staff there, and introduced me.
It was very useful for deepening the knowledge of personal computers.
In addition, our company was creating a 16-mm movie for medical learning in relationship related to sports medicine.

In the early days of Japanese sports medicine, MS University practiced advanced sports medicine. 
For his study, I regularly held a study meeting for a para medical (sports cooperator) sports coach.
The responsible person was Associate Professor Amagasaki. 
Kitajima was placing a meal at the study meeting.
Take-home sushi is your favorite and I will bring it to both hands, 
but it was heavy and tough.
MS university was the first facility to incorporate scientific training 
in sports and incorporate medicine comprehensively 
into competitive sports.
I was studying concrete methods of sports athletes and ehabilitation of sports injuries and icing immediately after practice.

In 1980, Yasuhiro Yamashita won the All Japan Championship 
of Judo.
Championship and was hospitalized at MS University Hospital with his broken lower limb (fibula) with a technique called "Knibasami " by Junio ​​Endo in the final.
At that time Amagasaki Associate Professor asked you to do the judo on Kitajima, so if you answer yes, I say with a laugh to say I would like to see Yamashita, of course, something, in a sick room secretly let me see you Respectively.
And until I signed on the colored paper, I got it firmly.

I felt like I was going to rise in heaven, I thought that I would feel such a feeling.

Yasuhiro Yamashita was a humble, easy, owner 
with a wonderful personality.
Moreover, it is a god of judo "undefeated two hundred and three consecutive wins for nine years".
I will never forget this memory of course.

In addition, I got marriage partner in Kitajima this year.  
Her father is the president of a building company, 
the world in which the real residence is different, Initially, it seems 
that there was considerable opposition in the other side.
It was difficult to say that the sales manager of Yokohama who acted as a matchmaker at the time of engagement was truly getting married.

However, due to her strong will, she could get married.
The wedding ceremony went to a hotel famous 
for Chinese cuisine in Yokohama Chinatown.

Many people attended and gathered a lot, including the factory manager of Chiba who worked before, a stakeholder, her company, her father's relations politician.




