Before you start investing in shares, what you want to know
Before you start investing in shares, what you want to know
If you are keenly aware of the goodness of stock price
movements, you are going to be marginalized,
you are going to buy a high price
if you are just following margins.
To that end, I think that you should make
an investment after understanding
the headline of the company's communication book:
the quarterly report.
Especially for middle-aged and older age,
we must keep stock investment to win.
(Fundamental analysis)
Explanation of terms of the quarterly report
and its explanation, meaning of the index
It is better to have interest bearing debts
(with interest, borrowing) less.
It is better for the surplus earnings
(earnings earned up to now) to be higher.
Net assets (shareholders 'equity) is the total
of the shareholders' equity section of the balance sheet,
Total assets are the sum of the capital
and debt sections of the balance sheet
ROA (total assets of enterprises are used effectively)
ROE (index of corporate net assets being used efficiently)
ROE = Net Income / Net Assets, ROE
= ROA × Shareholder's Equity Ratio,
ROA = net profit / total asset × 100
Shareholders 'equity = net assets = shareholders' equity,
the relationship between PER company's profit
and stock price, the lower the price
PBR = stock price / shareholders 'equity per share
= market capitalization / shareholders' equity (net assets)
The index of PBR is "PBR is 1 or less"
The company is cheap.
With PBR = 1, even if you go bankrupt, if you solve all the assets,
To say that you can repay the full amount of the loan.
Relational expression between PER, PBR and ROE
From here, I can say that PBR is "ROE × PER"
Because it is represented by
Companies with low PBR, ROE and PER,
The low possibility is big.
That is, PBR is low,
Although it tends to be judged as "cheap" immediately,
Corporate profitability (ROE) by shareholders'
Because it may be low,
Attention to that point. is necessary.
Shareholder's equity ratio (capital adequacy ratio)
= shareholders' equity / total capital × 100
If it is too low, it can not say that it is a good company.
40% or more is desirable. The higher the ratio,
The risk of bankruptcy is low.
Cash flow: CF (flow of money)
Sales CF (cash flow generated by business activities)
The larger one is better.
Investment CF: To provide products and services,
It is necessary.
Acquisition / sale of fixed assets,
It is the cash balance associated with
the acquisition and sale of securities.
Since normal capital investment (to become fixed assets)
will continue,
This is usually negative
Free cash flow:
(The sum of operating CF and investment CF)
It is money that a company can freely use,
the larger one is better.
Cash and others are "increase or decrease
in cash and cash equivalents"
: Money that can be used freely, the larger one is better.
Specific example: 8117: Central car: ¥ 485 (2/23)
: Budget companies
PER: 8.16, PBR 0.73, dividend ¥ 20, dividend rate 4.1%
Net profit margin 7.4% (net income / turnover), ROA: 7.6%
ROE: 10%, shareholder's equity ratio 76%,
retained earnings 7.4 billion yen
Total asset ratio 44%, cash etc. 4.7 billion yen,
total assets ratio 28%
2.26 billion yen in operating CF, 13.5% in total assets,
Free cash flow 1.86 billion yen, total asset ratio 11.1%
4327: Japan SHL: ¥ 146000 (2/23): highly profitable company
PER: 10.7, PBR 1.93, dividend ¥ 6800, dividend rate 4.7%
Net margin of 24% (net income / turnover) ROA: 15.5%
ROE: 18%, shareholder's equity ratio 86%,
retained earnings 1.5 billion yen,
Total asset ratio 62%, cash etc. 1.5 billion yen,
total assets ratio 62%
53.6 billion yen in operating CF, 22.5% in total assets,
Free cash flow of 130 million yen, total asset ratio 5.2%
However, the company's settlement will change over time,
To anticipate that change,
It is about the same as fundamental analysis.
So, first, the company's communication list,
(Four Seasons Information) to be able to see.
I will examine the contents and how to see future growth,
It is necessary to predict future stock price. .
Corporate Financial Content
+ Future Business Development and Growth