To make sure that deposits in Greece can not be dropped by banks

To make sure that deposits in Greece can not be
dropped by banks It seems to be getting.
Greek government bonds haircut?
The haircut of Greek government bonds
is expected to be 50%
A major telecommunications company told us.
Government bonds usually return to maturity
with principal plus interest rate * years * principal.
However, in the case of Greek government bonds,
the possibility that only 50% will come back is extremely high.
Haircut = reduction, 50% haircut,
I only get half back.
A major Greek bank can bear if it is 30%
50% say impossible.
So, Greek government bonds are already in this state
It seems likely.
With this weak euro, Germany, France, in trade,
Sounds like he was profitable,
I want to doubt.
On what day, what will happen,
It may be that the divine only knows.