Wasting of taxes (balamaki) is likely to rekindle with the consumption tax increase tax.

After all, with the consumption tax increase tax,
increase the ballooning!
With the consumption tax increase tax,
it seems that there is a high possibility of
increasing the number of scattering.
Justice: Paper on June 28:
Professor, Graduate School of Policy Studies, Hiroko Ota
: Acceptance of balamaki Companies retention sinking
Http://sankei.jp. msn.com/economy/news/120628/fnc12 ..
Details are given in this paper.
I also opposed this tax increase. The reason is two.
1: Targeting only an increase in revenue
(consumption tax increase tax)
Expenditure (public expenditure: civil servants,
reduction of politicians,
There is no concrete plan of selling assets of the country etc.
(There is no motivation.)
2: Detailed information on actual debts and assets in Japan
It is not disclosed.
In this way, a National Congress is set up,
We investigated the details of Japan's
current account deficit,
We only have to implement that countermeasure.
In this way, wasteful politicians fired,
You do not have to pay a salary.
This alone will result in significant cost savings.
Seriously, Japan is already hard landing,
highly likely, and it is not allowed to have a momentary grace.
However, the lawmakers, not only policy ideas without policy,
We are spreading, these people should be reduced significantly.
We devised a concrete plan for that, made it a national referendum,
We have to collect and realize many signatures.
People have no choice but to act with their own power,
Is not it?