In Shinshu, my favorite pub

Izakaya I liked in Shinshu
Matsumoto's good old pub (near Matsumoto castle)
Matsumoto is an old, historic place of history.
There are good taverns in such places.
I also have a pub where I was taken care of before.
Originally when I arrived at Matsumoto, I stayed with several people and went to business
When I got to meet, there was no place and I was struggling.
In such a case, at the sales meeting, under the condition that we will have lunch and dinner,
We used the meeting room on the second floor free of charge.
I can not forget the face of the second generation woman at that time.
Rather than writing, in fact, in the picture, of that Izakaya

Let's have a taste of the atmosphere.

It is the entrance of the store at dusk.

In the face of the counter, the chef is baking yakitori

It is inside the pub, there is a rise (tatami) and a table seat.

Even in winter Oden, irresistible, even the purity, I will wear warmth.

Is your sake, too, Daisekkei(大雪渓)?
It is my favorite brand of sake.

The second generation female master will be fine, beautiful forever!

With the usual pub scenery, the scenery is transmitted 
with this picture.


Unknown さんの投稿…







Old memories: personal computer edition ・ development period
