Aurghall's hard work, JyoubanDevelopment shares surge

Aurghall's hard work, Tokiwa Development shares surge
Tokiwa Development = Tokiwa Hawaii Center = Hula Girl
Conventional forecast of consolidated ordinary profit
for the fiscal year ending March 2001
Fixed up 54.5% to 460 million yen → 680 million yen.
Stock price: August 2011 (111 yen)
November 2012 (222 yen) → 327 yen buying quotes,
About three times today's rise correction, with stop high,
Buying quotes, the possibility of still rising is high.
It was really good.
Watching on Hula Girl's TV show,
I feel I was rewarded for supporting you.
With the funds you got, furthermore, Hawaiian Center
Further development as a forerunner of the
reconstruction of Tohoku, I'd love to support you.
Let's go to the Hawaiian Center together.
I got a bus from Tokyo station.
And for all investors,
Having such stock long,
It will be cheering for Tohoku.
If you can, please buy it for a long time!