Bangladesh's terrorism problem
Things to think with Bangladesh 's terrorism.
In the 1945-1955 that we grew, it was generally poor,
Education also had less freedom of choice.
Of course the information was also limited.
However, now, the smartphone, with the personal computer,
Almost equal ability, anytime, anywhere,
It is possible to obtain and transmit information.
Depending on usage, it is very convenient.
Some young people, at LINE, make friends,
Often blindly follow that terrorist activity.
Using the habits of the young man well,
IS or the cult group trains their own hands.
To synchronize the idea of young people to our ideas,
extremely difficult.
In reality, many cases do not go well.
However, the explanation of the situation of the system,
If you are not careful, the opponent, the danger of being used
Because it is expensive, you need attention, you can explain.
Currently, for smartphone, commercial purpose promotion,
There are also many fashions made.
In addition, the Japanese press has widespread news of the world,
I have not told you exactly a lot.
Consciously by myself, the major major media overseas
Without fair seeing the news, with fair eyes,
It is the reality that we can not see the situation.
Fortunately, the major telecommunications company
in the world has a Japanese version
Since it is transmitting, information can be obtained immediately.
In particular, recently, the UK and the EU, China's South China Sea,
Problems in the East China Sea, China's economic problems, worldwide,
There are many dangerous things.
It seems that it is quite a crisis. To this, we, generations, children, grandchildren generation,
It may be time to talk.
Police officials in Bangladesh 's terror,
With tears, to your children, be careful
As I did, it was an impression that I was calling.
Bangla Police appeal to tears "Parents pay attention
to the behavior of young people"
July 5, 2016
The capital city of Bangladesh where 20 Japanese were sacrificed
Prime Minister Hashina in the country also attacked
A memorial ceremony was held for the victims.
Police authorities in the country said some of the criminal groups
Must attend secondary schools and elite colleges,
under the age of 22 He revealed that he was a young man.