sake No.15 Yokobue sake brewery in Suwa.(5 Famous brewery in Suwa)
Retainer of Taira no Sigemori(Taira no Kiyomori’s son)
named Saitou Takiguti tokiyori and
Retainer of Kenreimoin Tokuko (Taira no Kiyomori’s daughter)
named yokobue(横笛)
A sad love story of Saitou Takiguti tokiyori and Yokobue.
「Yokobue 」The origin of the name of flute
(yokobue in Japanese) sake's name yokobue:
(横笛) comes from 'Heike Monogatari
Vol.10-8:Title of the chapter of the yokobue.
Faithfully heard this story, the first president left
the name of "Yokobue" in future generations
and at the same time she lost her soul
Including mourning, we decided to name it
" Famous sake・Yokobue" and brew it.
Picture of "Yokobue:横笛 (female name)"
Ito Sinsui:伊東深水 (a famous Japanese painter) sent
to the first president of Ito Brewery (saka・横笛)

About Ito Brewery's Sake
By type, "fragrance like fruit" "rice incense incense · taste"
"Dense with rosacea" "Hydration, refreshing type with alcohol
adjustment"we are offering products in line.
Because sake will be another alcohol in the same temperature
range you drink, I think that you can find your favorite liquor
if you find your own way of drinking and your favorite temperature.
Daiginjo liquor preferred by Toji "Kodo"
Miyama Nishiki of Nagano Prefecture is 55% polished ginjo sake.
Because I am using yeast in Nagano prefecture, it smells kind like fruit.
The taste is a little more type.
Would you like to drink at room temperature,
When it is hot, put ice and drink it with a lock.
Since alcohol is hard to drink even at 18%
There are many female customers.
What kind of food would suit you?
I like tofu, so if it's summer it's cool and cool,
If it is winter it's a hot-fired tofu, deep-fried,
Together with tofu is often.
I feel that I can enjoy both (liquor and tofu).
Because the material itself (sake) is rice
I think that there is no such thing as "no good for something".
About Hiyaorosi(nama sake) sticking to three kinds
"Alcohol made with rice alone", "with sake", "burning once"
"Hiyaoroshi of Junmai Daiginjo" and "Hiyaoroshi Ginkyo's Ginjyo"
and "Hiyaoroshi of Junmai "
"A type that smells like a little fruit"
"Clear type" "Dark type"
Three types of building means "to build something of each type"
Since I started shaving down "I'll do with sake" and
"I will fire only once"
I have been doing this for a long time.
What you do with pure rice "I want you to enjoy the taste
and smell of rice"the aim is to "give a seasonal feeling".
"Incense of Akiho" or "Huyuho" etc. are always given seasons.
Basically it is the concept "get rice to feel".
"How fast do you melt this rice" "How much melt it"
"What type will you build?"
"I want to have rice a lot of taste and feel rice"
I would like to make delicious, Jynmaishu,
Hiyaoroshi grated taste is complicated.
It is not made like a pure rice ginjo series like
"It is refreshing" or "High scent".
I am building with "I'm going to make net sake"
It is not the idea that "(rice pollution commission) is 59%
so it is pure rice ginjyo sake."
I will store the finished sake,
Label it on 9/9 (day of lifting ban on shutting down)
When it is said that it is difficult to drink tasting before shipping
"Open all the tanks and drop the alcohol level to 15%
Let's bottle and burn it again and sell it and sell
a lot so let's do it. "
Basically there is no idea.
(I will not do that) I will go on saying,
"Our shrine rice hiyaoroshi is this."
Toji's work is "Microorganisms change rice into sake"
In that place, "It is very mysterious and it seems interesting"
It has an image of.
In reality, dealing with heavy rice with cold weather
in the hydraulic work, obviously the tools used in sanitation
in the hydraulic work, obviously the tools used in sanitation
Wash and sterilize it, wash it, sterilize it and return it to original.
As these things repeat, unlike seeing from the side,
it is very hard work There are places.
Even if the same rice and same polished rice are done every year,
because the nature is different
There are places where it is interesting and suffering,
such as how to do the ingenuity of that neighborhood.
What kind of fragrance and what kind of flavor to make?
That is,
As the quality of drink will be decided at what speed
and how much you will drink sake rice you purchase,
while devising by "year how you can make
use of the nature of rice"
I feel challenging though.