As I thought, the downgrade of Japanese government bonds
As I thought, the downgrade of Japanese government bonds
S & P has decided that Japan's long-term government bond
rating AA → AA minus,
I lowered, I heard this for the first time.
Since I am not familiar with such a story,
I want you to let me do it later. (Valve's Prime Minister)
On the evening of 27th, regarding the downgrade of Japanese government bonds,
About the remarks of Naoto Kan, who was asked by
the reporter, such a voice leaked from stakeholders
in charge of the market department at a major bank.
"Only Prime Minister Kan was the water in my bedding.
At the end of last year, when the rumor came out,
I answered "I heard it for the first time" to reporters,
The prime minister's insight is unbelievable suddenly.
The viewpoint is divided against this downgrade.
1) If further fiscal reconstruction is delayed,
Further downgrades, depreciation of the yen,
weaker stocks, rising interest rates on government bonds,
Become stagflation.
2) 95% of Japanese government bonds are bought in Japan,
There is not much effect.
Well, which is the correct answer?
But when you start moving, hot money moves,
Because sudden change will occur, it is cautionful.
(Candidate) aptitude test:
Due to the problem of the doctor's moral,
not only the selection test,
With a fitness test by interview, a more appropriate doctor
And before, I think that it was written in the newspaper.
Because of the low degree of politicians, the lack of morality,
Let's apply it to politicians as well.
Both politicians and doctors were special work before,
It was a society in which all past achievements were told.
However, with the drastic change of the world,
Speed of spreading is premature in the Internet society. In such a world, not the past achievement, to the future change,
Is not it necessary to be able to respond?
So, I think that those who are candidates
for elections will be given a written exam
A person who passed the aptitude test of
the interview test first, and passed it,
as a candidate for candidacy,
I think we should be able to run for candidacy.
From academic backgrounds, you should see it
with actual academic ability.
And for each election, a qualification examination
We will implement it.
Regarding the correction of the number of members of the Diet,
I do not think so.
Certainly, diplomacy requires personal connections,
the need for experience,
I am aware.
However, the labor union, Keidanren,
the pressure group of the Medical Association,
Rather than saying for the people because
of the influence, party races,
Pressure groups are becoming better.
That's a good thing to the tax of the people,
such a thing absolutely,
It is strange.
I think that it would be nice if past politicians
actively act as political leaders as experts.
Just like general workers, 60 years old, as long as it is long,
65-year-old retirement age should be introduced.
By doing so, the young power is made use of politics,
New deployment can be expected, is not it?
Opinions to ask.
S & P has decided that Japan's long-term government bond
rating AA → AA minus,
I lowered, I heard this for the first time.
Since I am not familiar with such a story,
I want you to let me do it later. (Valve's Prime Minister)
On the evening of 27th, regarding the downgrade of Japanese government bonds,
About the remarks of Naoto Kan, who was asked by
the reporter, such a voice leaked from stakeholders
in charge of the market department at a major bank.
"Only Prime Minister Kan was the water in my bedding.
At the end of last year, when the rumor came out,
I answered "I heard it for the first time" to reporters,
The prime minister's insight is unbelievable suddenly.
The viewpoint is divided against this downgrade.
1) If further fiscal reconstruction is delayed,
Further downgrades, depreciation of the yen,
weaker stocks, rising interest rates on government bonds,
Become stagflation.
2) 95% of Japanese government bonds are bought in Japan,
There is not much effect.
Well, which is the correct answer?
But when you start moving, hot money moves,
Because sudden change will occur, it is cautionful.
(Candidate) aptitude test:
Due to the problem of the doctor's moral,
not only the selection test,
With a fitness test by interview, a more appropriate doctor
And before, I think that it was written in the newspaper.
Because of the low degree of politicians, the lack of morality,
Let's apply it to politicians as well.
Both politicians and doctors were special work before,
It was a society in which all past achievements were told.
However, with the drastic change of the world,
Speed of spreading is premature in the Internet society. In such a world, not the past achievement, to the future change,
Is not it necessary to be able to respond?
So, I think that those who are candidates
for elections will be given a written exam
A person who passed the aptitude test of
the interview test first, and passed it,
as a candidate for candidacy,
I think we should be able to run for candidacy.
From academic backgrounds, you should see it
with actual academic ability.
And for each election, a qualification examination
We will implement it.
Regarding the correction of the number of members of the Diet,
I do not think so.
Certainly, diplomacy requires personal connections,
the need for experience,
I am aware.
However, the labor union, Keidanren,
the pressure group of the Medical Association,
Rather than saying for the people because
of the influence, party races,
Pressure groups are becoming better.
That's a good thing to the tax of the people,
such a thing absolutely,
It is strange.
I think that it would be nice if past politicians
actively act as political leaders as experts.
Just like general workers, 60 years old, as long as it is long,
65-year-old retirement age should be introduced.
By doing so, the young power is made use of politics,
New deployment can be expected, is not it?
Opinions to ask.